Monday, September 2, 2013

The Devil's Bathtub Hike

We headed out today for Devil's Bathtub located in the Jefferson National forest in Scott County.  We were fortunate enough to have a guide from Natural Tunnel to lead what was our largest hiking group so far.  We've been looking forward to this hike for quite some time.  Everything we had heard was true.  There are about 12 stream crossings, some knee deep, on the trail.  And the devil's bathtub is something like you've never seen.  It is a bathtub-shaped pit carved out in the layers of rock and filled with crystal clear bluish water.  It's about twice as long as a bathtub, but not much wider, and is about 10 feet deep. The bottom can be clearly seen, which gave me the confidence to get a bit wetter than I already was.  Yes, there were about four of us that sampled the bath water.  The whole area was quite beautiful with the water rushing over the crevices in the shale creek bed and creating several pools of water.  As usual, we enjoyed taking photos and took our time examining all the natural beauty of the area.  It was a great way to spend the Labor Day holiday!

The bathtub

Navigating one of several stream crossings

1 comment:

  1. Is the water continually incoming stream,river, or lake? It looks so clean.
