Saturday, August 27, 2016

Pinnacle Area Natural Preserve

It's been a long, hot summer and it still isn't over.  We haven't hiked since May due to a hike cancellation and then the extreme heat and humidity.  We scheduled this hike today, hoping it might have cooled off a bit, but we ended up having near record heat today.  However, the hike was one of the easier ones we have done and not too lengthy, so all is well.  We were off the trail by noon.  This hike is near Lebanon, Virginia and is a very beautiful streamside walk along Big Cedar Creek to a waterfall called the Big Falls.  There is parking at the trailhead where you immediately cross a swinging bridge to begin the hike.  There were definitely mixed feelings about walking across that bridge, but we all crossed just fine.  This trail had a picnic area with pit toilets about a mile into the hike, which we took advantage of on the return from the Falls area.  It isn't often we have such luxuries on the trail.  We were missing a few regulars today, but had three new hikers.  Another one is in the books and we are looking forward to more hiking, and nicer hiking weather, this fall.

Scenic creekside walk
Swinging bridge at the trailhead

Big Falls-not that impressive in height, but beautiful cascades along a wide section of creek