Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Kane Gap Hike

We began the new year with our own First Day hike.  It was a beautiful, sunny day and we logged 6 miles on a logging road. LOL!  Kane Gap is the route Daniel Boone and other early settlers took as they walked toward Cumberland Gap from East Tennessee.  We were joined by three geocacher guests from Wise County and we got lots of helpful information from them concerning some Wise Co. trails.  As we headed back down the logging road, we decided to divert the water from the road, which caused it to be quite muddy and soft.  We stopped three or four times and used a little teamwork to correct the course of the water to the ditch or across the road.  So today we were able to meet some new people, exercise out on the trail, catch up with each other, and perform some trail maintenance.  We ended the day with a little food and chit-chat at the local McD's.  What a fantastic way to start 2014!!