Tuesday, January 1, 2019

First Day Hike 2019

This year's First Day Hike was much more pleasant than last.  The weather was a balmy mid fifties this year; last year, we hiked in single digit wind chills.  We also had a record number of hikers, or maybe walkers, but in any case we had several people and nice weather.  Our hike destination was Powell River Trail near Appalachia.  It is a very nice trail with the river roaring all along the way and a few tunnels and bridges to make things more interesting.  There are also benches and bear proof waste containers.  The trailhead also has a nice little parking area.  So the trail is a nice little addition to the area, and there are plans for expansion.  So another first day hike is complete; we haven't missed one yet in our 6 years of doing them.